Business: A Changing World, 7e
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Business: A Changing World by Ferrell/Hirt/Ferrell is one of the fastest growing introductory business textbook on the market. Unlike competing books, which are trimmed and reduced from much longer works into an approximation of an essentials edition, Ferrell/Hirt/Ferrell is written from the ground up to be brief, lean, and flexible enough to enable you to cover just the topics you want at the level of depth you want. In addition, it doesn't inherit out-dated examples from a hardback derivative. With market-leading teaching support and the most up to date content available, Business: A Changing World represents the best value available in the brief Introductory Business market.
What sets Ferrell apart? An unrivaled mixture of topical depth, current content and the best teaching support around.

Part One: Business in a Changing World
Chapter 1: The Dynamics of Business and Economics
Guidelines for the Development of the Business Plan
Chapter 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Appendix A The Legal and Regulatory Environment
Chapter 3: Business in a Borderless World
Chapter 4: Managing Information Technology and E-Business
Part Two: Starting and Growing a Business
Chapter 5: Options for Organizing Business
Chapter 6: Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
Part Three: Managing for Quality and Competitiveness
Chapter 7: The Nature of Management
Chapter 8: Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
Chapter 9: Managing Service and Manufacturing Operations
Part Four: Creating the Human Resource Advantage
Chapter 10: Motivating the Workforce
Chapter 11: Managing Human Resources
Appendix B Personal Career Plan
Part Five: Marketing: Developing Relationships
Chapter 12: Customer-Driven Marketing
Chapter 13: Dimensions of Marketing Strategy
Part Six: Financing the Enterprise
Chapter 14: Accounting and Financial Statements
Chapter 15: Money and the Financial System
Chapter 16: Financial Management and Securities Markets
Appendix C Personal Financial Planning