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書名:英語面試應答實錄:甄試・留學・就業一本通 作者: 出版社:貝塔語言 出版日:2023/7 適用:進修 |
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100 個甄試・留學・就業 必備題 & 情境題攻略 說出制勝關鍵,成為萬中選一! 【本書特色】 作者在 IT 業界工作近二十五年期間,參與過無數次面試會議,同時也是資深的托福・雅思輔考講師,對教授和人資在面試時的審核點甚至潛規則瞭若指掌。本書選題力求真實,擬答也是基於作者本身的產學界經歷而擬定,不空泛、切合實際,能幫助應試者揚長避短,巧妙回應刁鑽的陷阱題。 ● 面面俱到,搞定口面試! 1. 面試官最在意的事 ▶面試要成功,千萬不能只想到你自己。回答時應將教授/雇主的需求看得比個人的需求更重要,告知自己能提供什麼樣的貢獻,才有機會脫穎而出。 2. 線上面試應答訣竅 ▶聚焦於日益普及的線上面試,筆者整理了十大線上面試策略(當然有些要點也適用於實體面試),讓應試者在面對面或虛擬環境中都能展現最佳狀態。 3. 團體面試勝出策略 ▶面試官透過團體面試可更真實地瞭解到應試者在團體中的表現,因為應答時的言行舉止可反映出其與他人合作時的樣貌。 4. 影音履歷製作技巧 ▶在科技發達的現代,自我行銷的工具不再侷限於文字。本節介紹的即是新式履歷「影音履歷 (Video CV)」。如果運用得當,影音履歷有助於更明確地展示申請者/應徵者的個性、創造力和熱情。 5. 面試前與當天的贏戰叮嚀 ▶包括面試前、面試當日的重要提醒。 6. 面試時該做與不該做的事 ▶面試過程中有利於加分、易導致扣分的行為一定要先知道。 ● 聰明接招,過關斬將! 面試實境必問的四大類型: 一、關於應試者本身的問題:背景/特質 除了基本的「自我介紹」、「優缺點自評」之外,「申請動機」也是十分常見的問題。 [例] What draws you to the graduate program / position to which you’ve applied? 是什麼因素促使你申請本研究所專班/職缺的? 二、關於過去求學與工作的問題:表現/經驗 常見的問題包括「大學亮點」、「課外活動」等,另外下面這個問題也是必問題之一。 [例] What accomplishment are you most proud of? 你最引以為豪的成就是什麼? 三、關於未來求學與工作的問題:發展/期望 作為一個準研究生,不應對自己想研究的領域或興趣毫無概念,而只等著教授給建議。因此,準備口面試時應設定好想研究的主題或至少有個方向。 [例] What are your research interests? 你的研究計劃為何? 四、情境假設與機智問題 此類問題的提問率也很高,面試官主要想探詢應試者是否有關心相關科系/產業的時事趨勢。比如對網紅、AI 科技等的看法,好好回答很可能都是令面試官驚艷的制勝關鍵。 [例] Do you think human jobs will be replaced by AI/robots in ten years? 你認為人類的工作在十年後會被人工智慧/機器人取代嗎? ● 面試心法助攻,錄取在望! 產・學界資歷兼備的作者提點應答策略,面試官提問的用意是什麼?怎麼答既能避雷又能增加好感?靈活應戰看這邊!以此題 “Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?”(為例,此題並不限於當領導者就是最佳答案,或是當追隨者就不好。假如對你而言,做一個追隨者也無妨,反而可答覆『有明確目標與步驟辦起事來更有效率』。」 ● 附錄:智取面試延伸補給 內含幫助侃侃而談的一系列詞彙組、句型組、影音履歷 (Video CV) 腳本範例等,收藏起來當事前準備時便可派上用場,節省許多時間。 ● 線上下載 MP3 音檔,隨時隨地聆聽,學習不受限! 透過書籍隨附刮刮卡,上網 (bit.ly/3WbadeD) 啟用序號後即可下載聆聽使用。 更多即時更新訊息請造訪貝塔官網 www.betamedia.com.tw 【作者簡介】 薛詠文 學歷 國立陽明交通大學英語教育研究所 (TESOL) 美國紐澤西州 Fairleigh Dickinson University 電腦科學研究所 經歷 國立陽明交通大學語言教學暨研究中心 (LTRC) 課程講師 各級學校 CLIL/EMI 研習課程全英講師 高點登峰美語人氣名師(雅思/多益/字彙與寫作) 英國劍橋專業訓練 YLE/KET/ PET 口試考官 英國劍橋大學 TKT 教師認證考試最高級 Band4 合格 各大專院校英語相關課程(簡報/表達/寫作)講師 著作 雙語課室英文句典 字彙高點:英文必考替換同義字 字彙高點:進階英文必考替換同義字 外商.百大英文口語勝經 (以上皆為貝塔語言出版) |
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推薦序 作者序 本書特點與架構 Section 1|這樣做讓你成為萬中選一:六大面向搞定口面試 面試官最在意的事 線上面試應答訣竅 團體面試勝出策略 影音履歷製作技巧 面試前與當天的贏戰叮嚀 面試時該做與不該做的事 Section 2|這樣答讓面試官想錄取你:100 個必備題 & 情境題 Part 1 開場寒暄萬用語──關鍵 90 秒 Part 2 關於應試者本身的問題:背景/特質 Q1 How would you describe yourself? / your personality traits? What makes you special / stand out / different from other applicants? 你會如何形容自己/你的個人特質?你的與眾不同之處為何? Q2 How would your friends/professors/colleagues/managers describe you? 你的朋友/教授/同事/主管會如何形容你? Q3 What are your strengths and weaknesses? 你的個人強項與弱點為何? Q4 How do you handle stress? 你如何處理壓力? Q5 Tell me about an influential person in your life? (a teacher, coach, etc.) 誰是影響你最深的人?(老師、教練⋯⋯等) Q6 What’s your study/work style? 你的學習/工作風格為何? Q7 How do you prioritize your work/time? 你如何規劃工作/時間的優先順序? Q8 Do you prefer to study/work independently or with a group? 你偏好獨立作業,還是跟團隊共事? Q9 What makes a good teacher/student/colleague/manager/etc.? 你認為一個好老師/學生/同事/老闆要有什麼特質? Q10 What quality do you think makes someone a valuable member of a team? 你認為在團隊中要成為有價值的人須具備什麼樣的特質? Q11 What qualities do you think a good decision maker should have? 你認為成功的決策者須具備什麼特質? Q12 Do you think leadership qualities can be learned? 你認為領導能力是可透過學習而來嗎? Q13 Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? 你認為自己是屬於領導者還是聽命行事的人? Q14 What do you think is a good way to interact with classmates/colleagues/clients/etc.? 你認為跟同學/同事/客戶良好互動的方式為何? Q15 What customer interaction skills do you bring to the table? 你具備什麼和顧客應對的技巧? Q16 What sports do you enjoy playing? 你喜歡做什麼運動? Q17 Do you participate in team sports? What is your role on the team? 你有參與團隊運動嗎?你在團隊中扮演什麼角色? Q18 What do you like about individual/team sports? 你喜歡個人運動/團隊運動的什麼部分? Q19 What has made you stick with an interest for years? What motivates you to do your best work? 是什麼動力讓你多年來一直保持興趣?是什麼動機促使你盡力而為? Q20 What / Who is your favorite subject / book / memory / place to go / basketball player / teacher / etc.? 你最喜歡的科目/書籍/回憶/景點/籃球員/老師是? Q21 What books / business magazines / novels / etc. do you recommend? 你推薦哪本不錯的書/商業雜誌/小說? Q22 How do you spend your time when you’re not in school? 沒上課的時候你都做些什麼? Q23 What draws you to the graduate program / position to which you’ve applied? 是什麼因素促使你申請本研究所專班/職缺的? Q24 Why Yale/Microsoft? What do you know about our school/company? 為何選擇本校(耶魯大學)/本公司(微軟)?你對我們學校/公司有什麼認識? Q25 What’s something that you recently tried for the first time? What did you learn? 你最近有嘗試什麼新事物嗎?你從中學到什麼? Q26 Is there something in the news or a recent technological development that has caught your attention? 有沒有什麼新聞或最近的科技發展引起了你的注意? Q27 How do you respond to challenges? 你如何面對挑戰? Q28 What do you do when you’re having trouble solving a problem? 解決問題時若遇到困難,你會怎麼做? Q29 How do you deal with difficult classmates/customers? 你如何應對難纏的同學/客戶? Q30 What skills would you like to learn? 你想學些什麼樣的技能? Q31 What skills or qualities do you think are important in this major/position/job? 對此主修學科/職位/工作而言,你認為什麼技能或特質至關重要? Q32 What research topics are you most interested in? 你對什麼研究主題有興趣? Q33 What topics or assignments have you found especially intriguing? 你認為什麼主題或作業特別有趣? Q34 What kind of community service do you do? 你有參與什麼社區服務嗎? Q35 Could you talk about a memorable experience from a community service project that you participated in? 你能否談談你做過的社區服務專案中有什麼難忘的經驗? Q36 How has participating in community service changed your perception of the role of the individual in the community? 參與社區服務如何改變了你對個人在社會中角色的看法? Q37 How do you evaluate success? 你如何評斷成功? Q38 What is art to you? Why does art matter? 對你來說什麼是藝術?藝術的重要性為何? Q39 Tell me why you are the best candidate for this position? Why should we hire you? 為何你是此職位的最佳人選?我們為何要雇用你? Q40 What would you like the admissions office to know that might not appear in your application? 除了申請表中的資料,你有想補充讓招生組更瞭解你的事項嗎? Part 3 關於過去求學與工作的問題:表現/經驗 Q41 What is a highlight of your university experience? Is there something that stands out? Something you’ll never forget? 你大學生涯中的亮點是什麼?有什麼突出或難以忘懷的事嗎? Q42 Can you remember a really great discussion from your English class? 你記得在英語課堂上曾有過什麼非常精彩的討論嗎? Q43 Do you prefer to take distance-learning courses on the computer or take courses with a teacher in a classroom? 你偏好使用電腦上遠距課程,還是跟老師在教室內上課? Q44 What activities were you involved in outside of the classroom? What is your favorite activity outside the classroom? 你參與過哪些課外活動?你最喜歡的課外活動是什麼? Q45 Is there anything that you would change about your university experience? 你有想改變大學生涯的什麼部分嗎? Q46 Do you think university students, regardless their majors, should take public speaking courses? 你認為大學生不論主修為何,都應該要修公開演說課程嗎? Q47 What experience do you have giving presentations? 你在做簡報方面有什麼經驗? Q48 How did you learn/improve your language/programming/presentation/etc. skills? 你是如何學習/精進你的語言/程式設計/簡報能力的? Q49 Tell me about science competitions you’ve entered. What type of lab work are you involved in? 談談你參加過的科學競賽。你參與過什麼類型的實驗室工作? Q50 What academic classes / training courses have you taken that have prepared you for this job? 你有修過什麼學術課程/受過什麼培訓可讓你做此工作更得心應手? Q51 What’s the most useful criticism you’ve received from your classmates/teachers/colleagues/managers/etc.? 你從同學/老師/同事/老闆那得到過你覺得最有用的批評是什麼? Q52 Talk about a special opportunity that was given to you in school/company. 談談你在學校/公司所獲得的一次特殊機會。 Q53 What experiences have you had with classmates/colleagues who are different from you? 談談你與個性截然不同的同學/同事的相處經驗。 Q54 How do you resolve conflicts? Do you have experience being involved in conflicts with other people? 你如何處理衝突?你有陷入與他人衝突的經驗嗎? Q55 Why did you leave your last job? 你為何離開上個工作? Q56 Why did you change your career path? 你為何改變職涯規劃? Q57 I see from your CV that you worked part-time/full-time at ABC company. How was your experience there? 我從你的履歷上看到你曾在 ABC 公司做過兼職/全職。你在那的工作經驗如何? Q58 Do you think your experience matches the requirements of this position? 你認為你過去的經驗是否符合此職缺的需求? Q59 What’s the most creative project/campaign/assignment that you’ve ever done before? 你過去曾做過最有創意的專案/活動/任務是什麼? Q60 Tell me about some interesting places you have visited. Please talk about cultural differences you observed. 談談你造訪過的有趣的地方,並說說你觀察到的文化差異。 Q61 Has traveling influenced the way you live your life? 旅行是否影響了你的生活方式? Q62 Tell me about a person/book/event/challenge/etc. that has markedly changed you. 談談改變你看法的一個人/一本書/一件事/一個挑戰。 Q63 What accomplishment are you most proud of? 你最引以為豪的成就是什麼? Q64 What is it about debating that you enjoy? 你喜歡辯論過程的什麼部分? Q65 What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome? 你克服過最大的挑戰是什麼? Part 4 關於未來求學與工作的問題:發展/期望 Q66 What classes are you scheduled to take in your senior year? 你大四打算修什麼課程? Q67 What class are you looking forward to most? Why? 你最期待上什麼課程?為什麼? Q68 What are you most looking forward to about your transition from undergraduate studies to a graduate school? 關於即將從大學生轉變成研究生,你最期待什麼部分? Q69 What are your research interests? 你的研究計劃為何? Q70 What do you think teachers can do to increase student interest in a subject? 你認為教師可用什麼方式來提高學生對科目的興趣? Q71 Why have you chosen to continue your education over entering the job market? 你為何選擇繼續進修而非進入職場? Q72 Do you think taking a year off to work before attending university is a good idea? Why or why not? 你認為上大學之前先利用一年去工作是個好主意嗎?為什麼? Q73 How do you think you can make an impact in graduate school / at this company? 你認為你如何在研究所/本公司產生影響力? Q74 What are your future career goals? 你的未來職涯規劃為何? Q75 Describe a future plan which is not related to study/work. 談談你除了學業/工作之外的未來規劃。 Q76 What plans do you have for continued study? 你打算如何繼續進修? Q77 Do you plan to run your own business? 你未來會想自己創業嗎? Q78 What short-term objectives have you established for yourself? Why are these goals important to you? 你對自己設定了什麼短期目標?為什麼這些目標對你來說很重要? Q79 Do you think young people should pursue challenging goals or more practical goals? 你認為年輕人應追求具挑戰性的目標,還是實際一點的目標? Q80 What other skills do you think people should learn in order to prepare for future challenges? 你認為要應付未來的挑戰,人們還需要學哪些技能? Part 5 情境假設與機智問題 Q81 What do you think of influencers? If you were going to be an influencer, what topics would you like to work on? 你對網紅有什麼看法?假如你要做網紅的話,你想從事什麼主題? Q82 Do you think it’s important to know about events happening around the world, even if it’s unlikely that they will affect your daily life? 你是否認為即便不會影響到日常生活,瞭解世界上發生什麼事也是很重要的? Q83 In order to succeed, do you think it’s better to just do the work assigned to you or to try to stand out from the crowd? 要追求成功,你認為按指示行事就好?還是會想與眾不同? Q84 Do you think people who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one single skill? 你認為培養多種技能的人比專注於單一技能的人更成功嗎? Q85 What would you say to free-riders in a group? 你會對團體中想不勞而獲的人說些什麼? Q86 One of your classmates/colleagues is often late for school/meetings. What advice would you give him or her? 假如你有位同學/同事經常上學/開會遲到,你會給他/她什麼建議? Q87 If a teacher/client asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, what would you do? 假如老師/客戶問你個問題,但你不知如何回答,你會怎麼做? Q88 If your professor/manager says something wrong during a class/meeting, do you prefer to correct him/her right away? Or talk to him/her privately? 假如你的教授/主管在課堂/會議上講錯資訊,你會傾向於馬上糾正他/她?還是私下再告訴他/她? Q89 When you are assigned an important presentation for school or work, do you prefer to work on it a bit every day even if you’re not sure what you want to say, or would you rather wait until you had a good idea about the content of the presentation? 假如你要準備一場學校或工作上重要的簡報,你會偏好立即著手每天做一點,即使你還不確定要說些什麼;還是等到你對內容有了好點子之後再開始? Q90 If you had four hours to do anything you wanted, what would you do, and why? 假如你有四小時可做任何想做的事,你想做什麼?為什麼? Q91 Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different. 想像一下你十年後的生活吧。談談你覺得自己的生活會有何不同? Q92 Do you think human jobs will be replaced by AI/robots in ten years? 你認為人類的工作在十年後會被人工智慧/機器人取代嗎? Q93 What do you think the world will be like in twenty years? 你認為二十年後世界會變什麼樣子? Q94 Do you prefer to work on many different types of tasks or do similar tasks all day long? 你比較喜歡做各式不同的工作項目還是整天都做類似的任務? Q95 Do you think advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want? 顧客本身已知道想買什麼商品了,你會認為登廣告是浪費時間和金錢嗎? Q96 Do you think selecting a stable job is better than a risky job with a higher salary? 你認為選擇穩定的工作會比高薪卻冒險的工作來得好嗎? Q97 When an issue is raised during a meeting, do you jump right in and offer your ideas or sit back and think it through before you talk? 針對會議中所討論的議題,你是會立即發表意見?還是深思熟慮過後再發言? Q98 If you had enough money to retire now, would you? 假如你已經擁有足夠的錢,你是否會想現在就退休? Q99 In what areas do you think that the IT industry needs to improve? 你認為 IT 產業在哪些方面需要改進? Q100 How do you deal with office politics and gossip? 你如何面對辦公室政治和八卦? Part 6 應試者適合提出的問題與結束感謝用語 應試者適合提出的問題 結束感謝用語 Appendix|智取面試延伸補給 A. 侃侃而談詞彙組 ・描述人格特質 ・說明興趣喜好 ・說明進修規劃 ・說明過往經驗 B. 過關斬將句型組 C. 影音履歷腳本範例 |
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