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§@ªÌ¥Õ¦w¦ËAndrew E. Bennett¤£¥u¬O¤@¯ëªº­^»y¥À»y¤H¤h¡A§ó¬O¨Ó¦Û¬ü°ê«¢¦ò¤j¾Çªº±Ð¨|±M®a¡A¥L´£¨Ñ¤F§ó¤H©Ê¤Æªº­^»y¾Ç²ß¤è¦¡¡I

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Andrew E. Bennett ¥Õ¦w¦Ë
¡D²¦·~¦Û¬ü°ê¥[¦{¤j¾Ç Santa Cruz¤À®Õ


Chapter 1 : Business·~°È
unit 1 A Business Plan
Unit 2 A New Partnership
Unit 3 The Investment
Unit 4 My Stock Doubled!
Unit 5 We Lost a Client.
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Chapter2 : The Workplace ¤u§@³õ¦X
Unit 6 Working at Home
Unit 7 Stopping By for a Visit
Unit 8 A Small Working Space
Unit 9 Thanks for the Ride Home
Unit 10 A Lot of Changes
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Chapter 3 : Money & Shopping ª÷¿ú»PÁʪ«
Unit 11 The Parking Ticket
Unit 12 I Have to Have it!
Unit 13 Buying a New Computer
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Chapter 4 : Challenges ¬D¾Ô
Unit 14 At the Library
Unit 15 The Leak
Unit 16 A Negative Campaign
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Chapter 5 : Daily Life ¤é±`¥Í¬¡
Unit 17 Time to Go Home
Unit 18 Let's Go Out for Dinner.
Unit 19 Now, What?
Unit 20 My Soup Is Cold!
Unit 21 Getting a Nose Job
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Chapter 6 : Relationships Ãö«Y
Unit 22 It's Good to See You.
Unit 23 Stay Away from My Sister.
Unit 24 Lunch at the Cafeteria
Unit 25 Very Funny
Unit 26 Be Careful What You Say.
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Chapter 7 : Home ®a®x
Unit 27 The End of a Visit
Unit 28 That's Not How You Do It!
Unit 29 Thanks for a Great Party.
Unit 30 Welcome to My Home.