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[¨Ò] What draws you to the graduate program / position to which you¡¦ve applied?
[¨Ò] What accomplishment are you most proud of?
[¨Ò] What are your research interests?
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[¨Ò] Do you think human jobs will be replaced by AI/robots in ten years?
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Part 3¡@Ãö©ó¹L¥h¨D¾Ç»P¤u§@ªº°ÝÃD¡Gªí²{¡þ¸gÅç Q41¡@ What is a highlight of your university experience? Is there something that stands out? Something you¡¦ll never forget? §A¤j¾Ç¥Í²P¤¤ªº«GÂI¬O¤°»ò¡H¦³¤°»ò¬ð¥X©ÎÃø¥H§ÑÃhªº¨Æ¶Ü¡H Q42¡@ Can you remember a really great discussion from your English class? §A°O±o¦b^»y½Ò°ó¤W´¿¦³¹L¤°»ò«D±`ºë±mªº°Q½×¶Ü¡H Q43¡@ Do you prefer to take distance-learning courses on the computer or take courses with a teacher in a classroom? §A°¾¦n¨Ï¥Î¹q¸£¤W»·¶Z½Òµ{¡AÁÙ¬O¸ò¦Ñ®v¦b±Ð«Ç¤º¤W½Ò¡H Q44¡@ What activities were you involved in outside of the classroom? What is your favorite activity outside the classroom? §A°Ñ»P¹Lþ¨Ç½Ò¥~¬¡°Ê¡H§A³Ì³ßÅwªº½Ò¥~¬¡°Ê¬O¤°»ò¡H Q45¡@ Is there anything that you would change about your university experience? §A¦³·Q§ïÅܤj¾Ç¥Í²Pªº¤°»ò³¡¤À¶Ü¡H Q46¡@ Do you think university students, regardless their majors, should take public speaking courses? §A»{¬°¤j¾Ç¥Í¤£½×¥D׬°¦ó¡A³£À³¸Ónפ½¶}ºt»¡½Òµ{¶Ü¡H Q47¡@ What experience do you have giving presentations? §A¦b°µÂ²³ø¤è±¦³¤°»ò¸gÅç¡H Q48¡@ How did you learn/improve your language/programming/presentation/etc. skills? §A¬O¦p¦ó¾Ç²ß¡þºë¶i§Aªº»y¨¥¡þµ{¦¡³]p¡þ²³ø¯à¤Oªº¡H Q49¡@ Tell me about science competitions you¡¦ve entered. What type of lab work are you involved in? ½Í½Í§A°Ñ¥[¹Lªº¬ì¾ÇÄvÁÉ¡C§A°Ñ»P¹L¤°»òÃþ«¬ªº¹êÅç«Ç¤u§@¡H Q50 ¡@What academic classes / training courses have you taken that have prepared you for this job? §A¦³×¹L¤°»ò¾Ç³N½Òµ{¡þ¨ü¹L¤°»ò°ö°V¥iÅý§A°µ¦¹¤u§@§ó±o¤ßÀ³¤â¡H Q51 ¡@What¡¦s the most useful criticism you¡¦ve received from your classmates/teachers/colleagues/managers/etc.? §A±q¦P¾Ç¡þ¦Ñ®v¡þ¦P¨Æ¡þ¦ÑÁ󨺱o¨ì¹L§Aı±o³Ì¦³¥Îªº§åµû¬O¤°»ò¡H Q52 ¡@Talk about a special opportunity that was given to you in school/company. ½Í½Í§A¦b¾Ç®Õ¡þ¤½¥q©ÒÀò±oªº¤@¦¸¯S®í¾÷·|¡C Q53¡@ What experiences have you had with classmates/colleagues who are different from¡@you? ½Í½Í§A»PөʺIµM¤£¦Pªº¦P¾Ç¡þ¦P¨Æªº¬Û³B¸gÅç¡C Q54 ¡@How do you resolve conflicts? Do you have experience being involved in conflicts with other people? §A¦p¦ó³B²z½Ä¬ð¡H§A¦³³´¤J»P¥L¤H½Ä¬ðªº¸gÅç¶Ü¡H Q55 ¡@Why did you leave your last job? §A¬°¦óÂ÷¶}¤WÓ¤u§@¡H Q56 ¡@Why did you change your career path? §A¬°¦ó§ïÅܾ²P³W¹º¡H Q57 ¡@I see from your CV that you worked part-time/full-time at ABC company. How was your experience there? §Ú±q§Aªº¼i¾ú¤W¬Ý¨ì§A´¿¦b ABC ¤½¥q°µ¹Lݾ¡þ¥þ¾¡C§A¦b¨ºªº¤u§@¸gÅç¦p¦ó¡H Q58¡@ Do you think your experience matches the requirements of this position? §A»{¬°§A¹L¥hªº¸gÅç¬O§_²Å¦X¦¹Â¾¯Êªº»Ý¨D¡H Q59¡@ What¡¦s the most creative project/campaign/assignment that you¡¦ve ever done before? §A¹L¥h´¿°µ¹L³Ì¦³³Ð·Nªº±M®×¡þ¬¡°Ê¡þ¥ô°È¬O¤°»ò¡H Q60¡@ Tell me about some interesting places you have visited. Please talk about cultural differences you observed. ½Í½Í§A³y³X¹Lªº¦³½ìªº¦a¤è¡A¨Ã»¡»¡§AÆ[¹î¨ìªº¤å¤Æ®t²§¡C Q61¡@ Has traveling influenced the way you live your life? ®È¦æ¬O§_¼vÅT¤F§Aªº¥Í¬¡¤è¦¡¡H Q62¡@ Tell me about a person/book/event/challenge/etc. that has markedly changed you. ½Í½Í§ïÅܧA¬Ýªkªº¤@Ó¤H¡þ¤@¥»®Ñ¡þ¤@¥ó¨Æ¡þ¤@Ó¬D¾Ô¡C Q63¡@ What accomplishment are you most proud of? §A³Ì¤Þ¥H¬°»¨ªº¦¨´N¬O¤°»ò¡H Q64¡@ What is it about debating that you enjoy? §A³ßÅwÅG½×¹Lµ{ªº¤°»ò³¡¤À¡H Q65¡@ What¡¦s the biggest challenge you¡¦ve overcome? §A§JªA¹L³Ì¤jªº¬D¾Ô¬O¤°»ò¡H
Part 4¡@Ãö©ó¥¼¨Ó¨D¾Ç»P¤u§@ªº°ÝÃD¡Gµo®i¡þ´Á±æ Q66¡@ What classes are you scheduled to take in your senior year? §A¤j¥|¥´ºâפ°»ò½Òµ{¡H Q67¡@ What class are you looking forward to most? Why? §A³Ì´Á«Ý¤W¤°»ò½Òµ{¡H¬°¤°»ò¡H Q68¡@ What are you most looking forward to about your transition from undergraduate studies to a graduate school? Ãö©ó§Y±N±q¤j¾Ç¥ÍÂàÅܦ¨¬ã¨s¥Í¡A§A³Ì´Á«Ý¤°»ò³¡¤À¡H Q69¡@ What are your research interests? §Aªº¬ã¨sp¹º¬°¦ó¡H Q70¡@ What do you think teachers can do to increase student interest in a subject? §A»{¬°±Ð®v¥i¥Î¤°»ò¤è¦¡¨Ó´£°ª¾Ç¥Í¹ï¬ì¥Øªº¿³½ì¡H Q71¡@ Why have you chosen to continue your education over entering the job market? §A¬°¦ó¿ï¾ÜÄ~Äò¶iצӫD¶i¤J¾³õ¡H Q72¡@ Do you think taking a year off to work before attending university is a good idea? Why or why not? §A»{¬°¤W¤j¾Ç¤§«e¥ý§Q¥Î¤@¦~¥h¤u§@¬OÓ¦n¥D·N¶Ü¡H¬°¤°»ò¡H Q73¡@ How do you think you can make an impact in graduate school / at this company? §A»{¬°§A¦p¦ó¦b¬ã¨s©Ò¡þ¥»¤½¥q²£¥Í¼vÅT¤O¡H Q74¡@ What are your future career goals? §Aªº¥¼¨Ó¾²P³W¹º¬°¦ó¡H Q75¡@ Describe a future plan which is not related to study/work. ½Í½Í§A°£¤F¾Ç·~¡þ¤u§@¤§¥~ªº¥¼¨Ó³W¹º¡C Q76¡@ What plans do you have for continued study? §A¥´ºâ¦p¦óÄ~Äò¶iסH Q77¡@ Do you plan to run your own business? §A¥¼¨Ó·|·Q¦Û¤v³Ð·~¶Ü¡H Q78¡@ What short-term objectives have you established for yourself? Why are these goals important to you? §A¹ï¦Û¤v³]©w¤F¤°»òµu´Á¥Ø¼Ð¡H¬°¤°»ò³o¨Ç¥Ø¼Ð¹ï§A¨Ó»¡«Ü«n¡H Q79¡@ Do you think young people should pursue challenging goals or more practical goals? §A»{¬°¦~»´¤HÀ³°l¨D¨ã¬D¾Ô©Êªº¥Ø¼Ð¡AÁÙ¬O¹ê»Ú¤@ÂIªº¥Ø¼Ð¡H Q80¡@ What other skills do you think people should learn in order to prepare for future challenges? §A»{¬°nÀ³¥I¥¼¨Óªº¬D¾Ô¡A¤HÌÁÙ»Ýn¾Çþ¨Ç§Þ¯à¡H
Part 5¡@±¡¹Ò°²³]»P¾÷´¼°ÝÃD Q81¡@ What do you think of influencers? If you were going to be an influencer, what topics would you like to work on? §A¹ïºô¬õ¦³¤°»ò¬Ýªk¡H°²¦p§An°µºô¬õªº¸Ü¡A§A·Q±q¨Æ¤°»ò¥DÃD¡H Q82¡@ Do you think it¡¦s important to know about events happening around the world, even if it¡¦s unlikely that they will affect your daily life? §A¬O§_»{¬°§Y«K¤£·|¼vÅT¨ì¤é±`¥Í¬¡¡AÁA¸Ñ¥@¬É¤Wµo¥Í¤°»ò¨Æ¤]¬O«Ü«nªº¡H Q83¡@ In order to succeed, do you think it¡¦s better to just do the work assigned to you or to try to stand out from the crowd? n°l¨D¦¨¥\¡A§A»{¬°«ö«ü¥Ü¦æ¨Æ´N¦n¡HÁÙ¬O·|·Q»P²³¤£¦P¡H Q84¡@ Do you think people who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one single skill? §A»{¬°°ö¾i¦hºØ§Þ¯àªº¤H¤ñ±Mª`©ó³æ¤@§Þ¯àªº¤H§ó¦¨¥\¶Ü¡H Q85¡@ What would you say to free-riders in a group? §A·|¹ï¹ÎÅ餤·Q¤£³Ò¦ÓÀòªº¤H»¡¨Ç¤°»ò¡H Q86¡@ One of your classmates/colleagues is often late for school/meetings. What advice would you give him or her? °²¦p§A¦³¦ì¦P¾Ç¡þ¦P¨Æ¸g±`¤W¾Ç¡þ¶}·|¿ð¨ì¡A§A·|µ¹¥L¡þ¦o¤°»ò«Øij¡H Q87¡@ If a teacher/client asks you a question and you don¡¦t know the answer, what would you do? °²¦p¦Ñ®v¡þ«È¤á°Ý§AÓ°ÝÃD¡A¦ý§A¤£ª¾¦p¦ó¦^µª¡A§A·|«ç»ò°µ¡H Q88¡@ If your professor/manager says something wrong during a class/meeting, do you prefer to correct him/her right away? Or talk to him/her privately? °²¦p§Aªº±Ð±Â¡þ¥DºÞ¦b½Ò°ó¡þ·|ij¤WÁ¿¿ù¸ê°T¡A§A·|¶É¦V©ó°¨¤WªÈ¥¿¥L¡þ¦o¡HÁÙ¬O¨p¤U¦A§i¶D¥L¡þ¦o¡H Q89¡@ When you are assigned an important presentation for school or work, do you prefer to work on it a bit every day even if you¡¦re not sure what you want to say, or would you rather wait until you had a good idea about the content of the presentation? °²¦p§An·Ç³Æ¤@³õ¾Ç®Õ©Î¤u§@¤W«nªºÂ²³ø¡A§A·|°¾¦n¥ß§YµÛ¤â¨C¤Ñ°µ¤@ÂI¡A§Y¨Ï§AÁÙ¤£½T©wn»¡¨Ç¤°»ò¡FÁÙ¬Oµ¥¨ì§A¹ï¤º®e¦³¤F¦nÂI¤l¤§«á¦A¶}©l¡H Q90¡@ If you had four hours to do anything you wanted, what would you do, and why? °²¦p§A¦³¥|¤p®É¥i°µ¥ô¦ó·Q°µªº¨Æ¡A§A·Q°µ¤°»ò¡H¬°¤°»ò¡H Q91¡@ Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different. ·Q¹³¤@¤U§A¤Q¦~«áªº¥Í¬¡§a¡C½Í½Í§Aı±o¦Û¤vªº¥Í¬¡·|¦³¦ó¤£¦P¡H Q92¡@ Do you think human jobs will be replaced by AI/robots in ten years? §A»{¬°¤HÃþªº¤u§@¦b¤Q¦~«á·|³Q¤H¤u´¼¼z¡þ¾÷¾¹¤H¨ú¥N¶Ü¡H Q93¡@ What do you think the world will be like in twenty years? §A»{¬°¤G¤Q¦~«á¥@¬É·|Åܤ°»ò¼Ë¤l¡H Q94¡@ Do you prefer to work on many different types of tasks or do similar tasks all day long? §A¤ñ¸û³ßÅw°µ¦U¦¡¤£¦Pªº¤u§@¶µ¥ØÁÙ¬O¾ã¤Ñ³£°µÃþ¦üªº¥ô°È¡H Q95¡@ Do you think advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want? ÅU«È¥»¨¤wª¾¹D·Q¶R¤°»ò°Ó«~¤F¡A§A·|»{¬°µn¼s§i¬O®ö¶O®É¶¡©Mª÷¿ú¶Ü¡H Q96¡@ Do you think ¢ûelecting a stable job is better than a risky job with a higher salary? §A»{¬°¿ï¾Üéwªº¤u§@·|¤ñ°ªÁ~«o«_ÀIªº¤u§@¨Ó±o¦n¶Ü¡H Q97¡@ When an issue is raised during a meeting, do you jump right in and offer your ideas or sit back and think it through before you talk? °w¹ï·|ij¤¤©Ò°Q½×ªºÄ³ÃD¡A§A¬O·|¥ß§Yµoªí·N¨£¡HÁÙ¬O²`«ä¼ô¼{¹L«á¦Aµo¨¥¡H Q98¡@ If you had enough money to retire now, would you? °²¦p§A¤w¸g¾Ö¦³¨¬°÷ªº¿ú¡A§A¬O§_·|·Q²{¦b´N°h¥ð¡H Q99¡@ In what areas do you think that the IT industry needs to improve? §A»{¬° IT ²£·~¦bþ¨Ç¤è±»Ýn§ï¶i¡H Q100¡@ How do you deal with office politics and gossip? §A¦p¦ó±¹ï¿ì¤½«Ç¬Fªv©M¤K¨ö¡H
Part 6¡@À³¸ÕªÌ¾A¦X´£¥Xªº°ÝÃD»Pµ²§ô·PÁ¥λy À³¸ÕªÌ¾A¦X´£¥Xªº°ÝÃD µ²§ô·PÁ¥λy
A. ¨Ô¨Ô¦Ó½Íµü·J²Õ ¡@・´yz¤H®æ¯S½è¡@¡@ ¡@・»¡©ú¿³½ì³ß¦n ¡@・»¡©ú¶i׳W¹º ¡@・»¡©ú¹L©¹¸gÅç B. ¹LÃö±Ù±N¥y«¬²Õ C. ¼vµ¼i¾ú¸}¥»½d¨Ò